The mallows have started to bloom. The showy white, hibiscus-like flowers are four or five inches in diameter with a deep magenta center that attracts pollinators to its yellow stamens and creamy white pistil. Technically, this is Hibiscus palustris, the Swamp Rose Mallow
It's a reliable bloomer usually starting the first week of August —based on the dates on my drawings. In winter, I like to draw the large opened seed pods (see the last sketch).
Nature is pretty predictable despite our well-founded concerns about the changing climate. I hope you have some mallows growing near you.
08-01-23-mallow colored pencil, ink |
09-25-21-mallow ink, charcoal, pastel |
08-11-21-mallows pastel |
08-10-22-mallow charcoal |
11-23-19-mallow charcoal, conté, ink |