Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Imperial Greenery

charcoal pencil
I'm blinded and enchanted by all the color green that I see. Where was it four months ago? Where does it hide: all folded, origami-like within the seeds in the soil and as packets of genetic information in the woody integument of so many bare and clattering branches? But here we are, inheritors of a vast green world that simply takes over everything. Every substrate is vulnerable.

This is a study of the tip of the island below the dam. It's mostly weeds and poison ivy. I wouldn't recommend exploring there when the water gets low enough to cross over. No sir. Not unless you're too young to know better then I applaud your imagination and adventurous spirit!

As I drew this greenery I would sneak a look over at the dam and occasionally spy a fish trying to leap up over the dam. Talk about adventurous! It's the same spirit that flows through all this lush growth!


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