Sunday, January 25, 2015

1 - 2 - 3

Sacred Heart Church
25 January 2015

Pleasant Street Bridge
ink, charcoal, lithographic tusche
25 January 2015

Pleasant Street Bridge
charcoal, ink
25 January 2015
We had a few inches of fresh snow yesterday. A blizzard is on the way tomorrow night. But today was brilliant blue and white and not too cold so I was able to get in these three drawings in my morning rounds before we went to church.

Sometimes I get tired of drawing and I wonder when things will dry up and I have to figure out what to draw next. I need to be interested in what I'm doing. Sometimes my attention or pleasure wanes but so far, nothing to actually stop the motif from calling to me.

But those gaps, those "writer's blocks" are perversely essential and need to be endured. Then I burrow in deeper or approach things from a different angle or hold the pencil in my toes left-handed, whatever. Just keep the dialogue going whatever the cost.


  1. Spare a sign every day, Rob. They will accumulate in time and you will have your stock of saved signs to spend in bad times. This is what the magnificent Guido Scarabottolo told me he does.

  2. Grazie Paolo!
    And I love Guido's work (it's what first brought me to Topipittori years ago). I think the necessary thing is to not be too sophisticated and always make things that speak (even if all they do is hum a familiar tune!).

  3. To hell with all that drawing! I clean up my shelves and find more and more drawing books. Who is to look at all of this? Who cares for all that stuff? Should I perhaps make it like the Dalai Lama, painting with colored sands a mandala, two days and then sweep the whole up with a broom? Or does it have something to do with my serotonin levels? Should I eat more bananas? Or have a vitamin D deficiency because it's so dark outside? Or why do I see at the moment nothing to draw, and why am I depressed about that? Dear friends, thank you that you experience sometimes the same. I hope for spring.

  4. Eating bananas or filling up sketchbooks??
    I am being to go outside and move some snow from A to B. Save a banana for me Klaus!


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