Friday, May 13, 2011

The Minpin Tree

a beech tree
12 May 2011
china marker
I could probably do many drawings of this subject. It's interesting enough and it's a peaceful spot to spend some time in. Imagine a huge tree that goes up and up. Branches go this way and that out from the main trunk. It's airy and open. Perfect for climbing if my legs were longer or my arms were stronger or if I was a Minpin.

Do you know what a minpin is? You should! They are tiny tree-dwelling people in "The Minpins" a short story by Roald Dahl. The version I'm most familiar with has been illustrated by Patrick Benson and was published in 1991.

If you read this book (or just look at the pictures) you will know what a minpin is and why this tree is a "minpin tree". For some reason, I have this tendency to imagine myself as very small when I an drawing in nature. Specifically, when I'm drawing intimate things like trees, roots, ferns and herbs.
Here are two more images from "The Minpins". The illustrations are by one of my favorite illustrators, Patrick Benson.

The birds are happy to take the minpins anywhere they need to go.

The main character, a small boy, escapes the forest on the back of a swan.

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