The South Natick Dam: this one little place sustains my interest and is just the right size to explore with my pencils and chalk. I know, it's probably very repetitive to you by now. After all, I've made
several hundred drawings of it. Perhaps you've stopped visiting my blog because, really, how many times can you see the same old birds and aquatic geometry? Of course, for me, that's the challenge.
I can't add water or wildlife or change the course of the river or the shape of the dam across it. But I can monitor my approach and keep moving forward despite mental blocks or my occasional lack of enthusiasm. You might agree that the real subject is not the mallards or the level of the water. I'm just an angler or lepidopterist trying to catch hold of something unexpected in my very own consciousness or the actual world. And then, catch and release!
A heron prowling at the dam 09-26-13 conté pencil |
Mallards and a heron in the shallows just below the dam 09-26-13 charcoal |
Seen through the railing, a mallard looks feeds on top of the inclined wall of the fish ladder 10-1-13 colored pencil |
Low water on a chilly morning 09-30-13 charcoal |